Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A pretty convincing win. I was playing the King's Indian Attack, which I have been playing a lot lately. Not knowing much theory, I'm naturally drawn to a system like KIA. I don't have to memorize a lot of moves, and I can achieve the standard formation no matter what my opponent does. Plus, I can play the same with black and white, and use a lot of the same ideas.

Here, my opponent lets me accomplish my most basic plan without trying to interfere. I delay taking the center, until I can take and hold it with a huge build up on the e file. When I begin my push, he lets me advance to e5 and then attacks my pawn without thinking and loses the exchange. I get a bishop and knight for a knight and a pawn.

After he loses the center, I easily find a winning attack. He has trouble coming up with a plan and ends up hanging pieces. I take a couple of them before he resigns.

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