Saturday, December 29, 2012

Nexus 7

I've been using the Nexus 7 for a couple weeks now. It is much better for using ChessTempo than my phone. I had been using a couple apps on my phone that really left quite a lot to be desired. But now I don't have to compromise at all. Really happy with this device.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Chess India Forums

A while back, I came across a site that has a small but active group of users that provide links to chess resources such as books and videos.

Check out the Chess India Forums.

What is the point of the USCF?

I've never been a member until recently. But honestly, I expected so much more from them.

Chess Life stinks. There are a couple decent columns, but overall it seems to lack any sort of direction or usefulness. I was excited when my first issue arrived, but quickly realized that it offered very little substance.

I can't see how they are doing anything to further the growth of chess. I'd like to see some creativity in marketing and outreach to new players. A lot of effort seems to have been dedicated to selling products to existing enthusiasts. That's only effective in extracting money from the tiny pool of players.

This want a well thought out post. I just wanted to vent a little... I think a replacement organization might be warranted.